By: Rony Obed Oktafiano Manongko.

*Lecturer of Biblical Theology courses at STT Missio Dei Manado and currently completing his doctoral studies in Christian Education and Leadership at STTII Yogyakarta.

Referring to the direction of one of the education experts, Allison Boye (Texas Tech University Center for Teaching, Learning, and Professional Development, July 2012), an educator begins all teaching procedures and must write a personal teaching philosophy statement. What is a teaching philosophy statement? At its core, a teaching philosophy statement is a brief personal statement that offers insight into the instructor’s beliefs about teaching and classroom actions. In essence, it is the “why, what, and how” of one’s teaching. It is often included as part of a more comprehensive teaching portfolio but can also stand alone as a single document. More specifically, Nancy Chism (1998) writes, “What brings a teaching philosophy to life is the extent to which it creates a clear portrait of how one intends to teach, practice, and commit to a career.” A teaching statement is essentially meant to help others visualize who you are as a teacher. Here is an example given:


Personal Teaching Philosophy Statement

By: Rony Obed Oktafiano Manongko

Study: Biblical Leadership

Biblical leadership is needed in church ministry as well as ministry in the field of theological education. With this understanding, the study of Biblical leadership is very important to be organized as part of the learning process at the theological college “Missio Dei” Manado. In connection with this, I have the following beliefs:

  1. The Biblical Leadership study process includes the transfer of an analytical understanding of the inductive principles of the Bible in relation to the theme of leadership, as well as direct experience in training to become a Biblical Christian leader.
  2. Believing that students are potential individuals who will become Christian leaders in the future. Therefore, I will personally provide literature research experience to develop insights related to the theme of biblical leadership through group and independent assignments. In addition, it provides personal experience to lead in the process of direct practice. Both in the classroom as well as practices carried out outside the classroom.
  3. Given that the study of biblical leadership is an evolving science, the updating of information is encouraged in the implementation of this study.
  4. An atmosphere of fun, creativity, and innovation, as well as kinship, is maximally pursued during the study process and personal interactions.

The expected results through the entire Biblical Leadership study process are: students become future Christian leaders who are educated, trained, and have strong spiritual integrity, in accordance with the principles of God’s Word. In addition, the impact for myself as a teacher is having new experiences to analyze and redevelop the Biblical Leadership study in the future.

My beliefs in carrying out the responsibility to teach students so that they achieve maximum value in the process of studying Christian leadership are:

  1. I must view each student as precious in the sight of God. That means I must serve them as the “sheep of God” entrusted to me.
  2. I must be a friend who spiritually motivates the students to grow in the truth of the Lord Jesus. In carrying out the learning process, I must instill biblical values while modeling Christian living.
  3. I must respect every opinion expressed by the students in every discussion. I must give students enough space to express their opinions.
  4. I must understand each student’s shortcomings while striving for their progress in learning.
  5. I must strive for maximum preparation of learning materials to be a blessing to the students. This means that I must keep learning to develop my competence.
  6. I must train myself to be a creative, innovative, and fun teacher.

With such conviction, the goal to be achieved is that my students and I will progress in spiritual understanding and practical implementation through the study of Christian leadership.

Based on the descriptions and examples above, it can be special for individuals who are involved in the world of education. Especially for STT Missio Dei Manado educators, even alumni who will enter the field of Education, to start teaching documents by making a statement of personal teaching philosophy. This will certainly be very useful to be a good guide for organizing quality and maximum value studies.

Further Readings:

George R. Knight. Philosophy and Education: An Introduction in Christian Perspective. Michigan: Andrews University Press. 2006.

Harry Lee Poe. Christianity in the Academic: Teaching at the Intersection of Faith and Learning. Grand Rapids: Baker Academic. 2004.

Paker J. Palmer. The Courage to Teach: Exploring the Inner Landscape of a Teacher’s Life. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass. 2007.

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14 Komentar

  1. Helkha Eno Tindage menulis:

    This article is an important time for educators at STT Missio Dei Manado and alumni to seriously consider and formulate their personal teaching philosophy as a first step towards more quality and meaningful teaching. Because with a clear teaching philosophy, educators can be more effective in guiding and inspiring us as students, and can create a supportive learning environment and build strong character in accordance with Christian values.

    1. rony manongko menulis:

      A nice comment. Thank you

  2. Alsye Mangare menulis:

    Artikel ini sangat baik. Melalui artikel ini saya bisa belajar bagaimana bisa menjadi Kepemimpinan Alkitabiah dan lebih khususnya bagi para pengajar yang menekankan pentingnya kedewasaan rohani, pengabdian kepada Tuhan, dan pelayanan kepada sesama sebagai inti dari kepemimpinan yang efektif dalam konteks kristiani. Terima Kasih Mner Rony Obed Oktafiano Manongko Th. M

    1. rony manongko menulis:

      Terima kasih untuk upayanya. Namun ada hal inti yang menjadi fokus uraian ini, bukan tentang kepemimpinan.

  3. Delvani Kella menulis:

    This narrative, although seemingly progressive and student-oriented, contains several assumptions that need to be critically examined. First, the extreme emphasis on the role of lecturers as facilitators rather than instructors can overlook the fundamental need for structured guidance. In many cases, students require clear direction and deeply guided instruction to understand complex concepts and develop critical skills, especially in a theology-based curriculum, where one is expected to have comprehensive knowledge in each Bible teaching.

    Second, the claim that every student has unique potential that must be accommodated, although idealistic, does not take into account the practical limitations faced in the context of mass education. Effective differentiated instruction requires significant resources, both in terms of time and materials, which are often unavailable in many educational institutions.

    Thank you,
    Mr. Gbl. Rony Obed Oktafiano Manongko Th.M

    1. rony manongko menulis:

      Wow, what a sharp criticism. But the essence of this description needs to be understood more carefully. However, thank you for your efforts in responding to this description.

      1. Delvani Kella menulis:

        thank you mner, maybe because there is a little difficulty in translating English so it feels difficult to find the essence of this article, sorry mner🙏🏻

  4. Juvaldy Ngalo menulis:

    The way of a leader has been given in the discussion of this article, even by providing life experiences as examples of biblical dreams. This article and this lesson provide something new, namely first a soft and loyal heart to become a Christian leader in accordance with the principles and basic rules of the Bible. ..Creative and has good techniques in learning this writing.
    Thank you very much to Shepherd Rony. O.O. Manongko Th.M

    1. rony manongko menulis:

      Thank you for your feedback. But we need to be more careful in understanding the core value of this article.

  5. Novita Ongkay menulis:

    This article is very helpful for readers, especially for teachers in order to maximize the learning methods used so that they develop well and become a reference for creating a learning process that is bubbly without fading Christian values.
    Thank you,
    Gbl. Rony Obed Oktafiano Manongko Th.M

    1. rony manongko menulis:

      I feel you understand this article. I am appreciative of you.

  6. Ivaldi Kumesan menulis:

    This article is very good to be a motivation for us STT Missio Dei Manado students because in the future we will lead there or will become leaders, specifically becoming biblical leaders who can have a good impact in spirituality to be a blessing to many people.
    Thank you, Gbl. Rony O. O. Manongko, Th. M.
    Jesus Bless…

    1. rony manongko menulis:

      Thank you for your response. However, it is necessary to look at the main content of this article. 

  7. Olivia Lahose menulis:

    1. The main idea of this article is that the process of learning about leadership has a positive impact on Christian leaders with integrity.
    2. The novelty presented is to develop competence in the leadership learning process by training oneself to be creative, innovative, fun and have strong spiritual integrity in accordance with the principles of God’s Word.
    3. The benefit of this article for me is that it can provide progress in the spiritual understanding of a Christian leader and for its practical application.

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